Product management
Board of Directors
Customer Support

Make the most of limited resources

Every startup faces the problem of limited resources (time, people, and money). Come learn a simple model for how to make your resources go farther, and also how this approach can help you with sales, customer support, fundraising and Board meetings.


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Court Lorenzini
Court Lorenzini is a true serial entrepreneur. With several successful exits under his belt, including launching DocuSign into $12B global juggernaut.
His next venture, Founder NEXUS, extends his passion for working with Founders to accelerate themselves and their businesses. Beyond starting 5 companies himself, Court is an LP in over a dozen VC funds around the world and a direct investor in dozens of global startups. His work with over a thousand Founders has helped them achieve higher levels of success.





    Seattle, WA
  • WHEN

    4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Court Lorenzini
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4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Doors open

Connect with fellow attendees before the event kicks off—arrive on time to make valuable connections and start building relationships that could accelerate your founder journey.

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Using Value Drivers to prioritize Limited Resources

Your business has certain aspects that drive value for your customers, partners, investors and employees. Learn how to optimize value creation for your various constituencies while ALSO maximizing your resources.

5:00 PM - 5:35 PM

Group session 1: Product Development

How do you set priorities? What tools or methods do you use to communicate progress with your team, customers, investors and Board members?

5:40 PM - 6:15 PM

Group session 2: Teamwork Activation

How do you encourage teamwork and accountability? What have you found that works well?

6:20 PM - 7:00 PM

Group session 3: Board members and Investors

How do you set up a successful Board meeting? How do you communicate with all your investors?


all founders,
not just ceo

People inclined to be Founders are a rare breed, and are hard to spot in society. We welcome ALL Founders, regardless of role, and generate proprietary profiles for every member so you can easily find your next team member or co-Founder.


current founders

Regardless of where you are on your journey, Founders share a unique set of challenges. Hiring, leadership, managing investors, developing products, handling customer issues, external communications, etc. This community exists to amplify your success.



So you’ve founded at least one company, and now you’re looking to refine your next great idea or find the perfect co-founder. Share and learn from a wide array of talented Founders in your area.



Congratulations! You’ve found success as a Founder and are now getting curious about doing it again. Now you need to find the right idea and co-founder to excite you. Share your wisdom and passion while forming new bonds within the startup ecosystem in your area.

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